People First

Performante si performeri

Mihaela-Gabriela Condratovici-OLIMPICA
Lucrare premiată cu MENŢIUNE 
Autor: Condratovici Mihaela-Gabriela

  ALUMNI FEAA cu care ne mandrim
Simona Şerb- International Mobility Stream Coordinator ALCATEL LUCENT PARIS, FRANŢA HR Services – Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Project Regional Team -PARIS, FRANŢA 

Cu fiecare experienţă descopăr o altă faţă a MRU - un domeniu fascinant în care psihologia, sociologia şi antropologia se îmbină cu managementul organizaţional, cu managementul financiar şi este un domeniu în continuă schimbare care trebuie să vina mereu cu soluţii pentru a susţine direcţia strategică a organizaţiilor.

Ec. Lavinia Tofan- Exchange Participant, Responsabil marketing şi comunicare, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants Tunisia 2009 -AIESEC Timisoara, AIESEC Romania

 Întrebare: Ce înseamnă pentru tine Managementul Resurselor Umane ( MRU)? 

Lavinia: Consider că orice persoană care are o poziţie de middle sau top management într-o organizaţie ar trebui să aibe noţiuni minime despre MRU. Pentru mine MRU a însemnat un pas înainte în dezvoltarea mea profesională. Mi-a fost mult mai uşor să lucrez într- echipă şi să o coordonez, având deja conceptele teoretice. Noţiunile însuşite în cadrul cursurilor am ajuns să le aplic în activităţile în care am fost implicată şi în cadrul proiectelor desfăşurate.
 Mă regăsesc în domeniul HR fiindcă am reuşit până acum câteva realizări, astfel: Martie- August 2009 – Coordonator Conferinţa Internaţională Recycle IN, AIESEC Timişoara Noiembrie 2008 – Mai 2009 – Agenda Manager HR School, AIESEC Timişoara Iunie – Septembrie 2008 – Coordonator Reception Weekend, AIESEC Timişoara Noiembrie 2007 – Martie 2009 – Membru activ AIESEC Timişoara, responsabil promovarea programului Exchange şi relaţii externe cu mediul Corporate din Timişoara 

Ec. Codruţa Stefănigă - National Events Manager AIESEC UK
Ec. Iunia Paşca-trainer la Adam Khoo Learning technologies Group ( 

STUDENŢI ERASMUS Au studiat Managementul resurselor umane în cadrul Facultăţii de Economie şi de Administrare a Afacerilor, Universitatea de Vest TIMIŞOARA

Antje Schmidt- Assistant in KSB Consultant Company, Germany Student Business Management, University of Cologne, Germany Albertus-Magnus-Platz D-50923 Köln Erasmus Programm 2008-2009
Question: ’’What means HRM for you?’’
Antje: ’’ A lot of emphasizes is now put on good human resource management, as it is the difference between employing a qualified work force and hiring inept workers. Human resource management nowadays is not just about employing people or drafting work policies; it is also about being able to rapidly respond to customer's needs and competitors moves. The Human Resources (HR) function provides significant support and advice to line management. The attraction, preservation and development of high caliber people are a source of competitive advantage for every business and are the responsibility of HR.’’ 

Emanuele Castriotta- University of Cagliari , Italy Degree in Management and business administration University of Cagliari - ITALY Erasmus program 2007-2008 Timisoara (Romania) Student in a Master of Management
Question: ’’What means HRM for you?’’
Emanuele: ’’In my opinion HRM's study is one of the most important subject in the economic studies. About latest researches is clear that complexity is around us and above all around all companies. Financial sciences, auditing, accounting and others subjects are tools for the managers that ought to try to take best decisions for their organizations. Top and all managers have to choice and decide between a big numbers of paradigmas about economic theories. Their behaviours are really difficult and their responsability is the highest inside firms. As inside a soccer team all managers are like a trainers who must try to win their championship to survive. The studies of men's behaviours and best methods to organize this "game" is amazing and is a field all to discover. Shortly, managing human resources and study how this field give to the performances of companies is sure but far to be demonstrated perfectly. How to organize workers structure? How to motivate them? How about best methods to lead them? Clearly there isn’t a only answer but it’s absolutely true that best practice give to the enterprises a great competitive benefit against the rivals. Lastly job is changing. There are always less manual workers and always more knowledge workers. They have to be considerated like a partner and relationships between owners, management and them is, in my opinion, the key of the future success in the economic grow. ’’